barba submarina

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Web 2.0 Campaigning

This I had to add to my blog. Listening to WNYC this morning, they had a piece about '08 campaign websites, and their increasing interactivity and sophistication. They mentioned that the John McCain '08 website offers something called "McCainSpace", modelled (obviously) on the MySpace concept. It allows supporters of the senator's campaign to design their own websites (and presumably some content) within the senator's own campaign space. One can then interact with other McCain supporters online, creating a web profile for oneself. This accomplishes...maybe, fundraising, networking, etc. It makes the senator look hip and with it. Suffice it to say, I have NOT actually joined this service. Nothing against McCain necessarily, but I do not want at this juncture of the campaign to be considered a "supporter" of any particular candidate. I receive enough spam already, and I can only imagine the deluge that I'd be in for if I actually create a McCainSpace page. Cute idea, though.


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